2024 賽事資訊Tournament Info
Local Entry
International Entry
(Entry closed)
Event Schedule
Course Information
Tee Times
Conditions of Competition
日期: 2024年8月14-16日 (資格賽8月12日)
場地: 美麗華高爾夫鄉村俱樂部-新北市林口區大水湳路99號
Date: 14-16 Aug, 2024 (Local Qualifier 12 Aug.)
Venue: Miramar Golf & Country Club -
99 Dashuinan Rd. Linkou, New Taipei, Taiwan
Div. A; 15-18y
Div. B; 13-14y
Div. C; 11-12y
Div. D; 9-10y
Div. E; 8y & Under
Refund Policy
編組表 Tee Times
成績表 Result
碼數表 Yardage

球場資訊 Course Information
球場簡介: Desription
美麗華高爾夫鄉村俱樂部是台灣著名的頂級高爾夫度假中心,自民國84年(西元1995年)開幕以來,培養出曾雅妮、程思嘉等知名選手,並且舉辦過不少世界級的高球賽事,例如歐巡賽的富邦長春公開賽、女子美巡賽的富邦LPGA台灣錦標賽、以及裙襬搖搖世界女子名人賽等,更增添了球場的知名度和地位。至於豪華氣派的會館,也是美麗華高爾夫鄉村俱樂部另一個「頂級」的象徵。美麗華高爾夫鄉村俱樂部位於新北市一片平緩的丘陵上,並特地邀請高爾夫傳奇巨星「金熊」傑克尼克勞斯(Jack Nicklaus)為球場進行規劃設計。美麗華高爾夫鄉村俱樂部擁有東南、西北 兩座18洞標準球場,雖然整體碼數不算長,但在金熊的巧思下,充滿了典型的尼克勞斯風格。維護狀況良好的球道內,共有12個水池、110個美式大型沙坑,座落在球道與果嶺周圍各處,足以讓誤闖的擊球付出代價。此外美麗華有不少多層次的果嶺,坡度轉折變化多,速度也相當快,擊球樂趣與挑戰性十足,足以讓球友們享受一場難忘的球敘。
地址 Address:
No. 99, Dashuinan Rd., Linkou Dist.,
New Taipei City 244 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
電話 Tel:02-2606-3456
傅真 Fax:02-2606-1482
洞數 Holes:36洞
長度 Length:6,835碼(A區);6,777碼(B區)

美麗華高爾夫球場 Miramar Golf Country Club
交通指南: Transportation Guide
GPS: E 121° 19' 1.9" N 25° 06' 4.0"

賽事地圖: Course Map
Venue: Miramar Golf & Country Club- East and North
National Highway No. 1
Start by taking National Highway No. 1
Get off at the second interchange at Linkou.
Turn left at the second intersection, and continue driving straight for 500 meters.
Make a right turn into Dingfu Village.
Follow the signs. (Both uphill and downhill roads in Dingfu Village, lead to Miramar Club.)
As one of the most prestigious golf resorts in Taiwan, the Miramar Golf & Country Club has been the home course to Tseng Ya-ni and Cheng Ssu-chia since its opening in 1995. Its reputation and status is further elevated for its experience of holding several international events, such as the Fubon Senior Open of the European Tour, Fubon LPGA Taiwan Championship, and Swinging Skirts LPGA Classic, etc. The magnificently luxurious clubhouse is another symbol of the golf club’s prestige.
Miramar Golf Country Club spreads on a moderately hilly region in New Taipei City. “Golden Bear” Jack Nicklaus planned and designed two 18-hole courses—Southeast and Northwest—on the property. Not long in yardage though, the two courses are filled with Jack Nicklaus’ signature design style. A total of 12 ponds and 110 gigantic American bunkers scatter around the well-maintained fairways and greens. A heavy price will be paid for a mishit. The relatively fast layered greens are full of fun and challenge due to the elevation changes and curves. Golfing on Miramar will be a memorable experience mixed with fellowship and fun.

住宿資訊 Accommodation

若有需要訂房,請於填寫完畢後 Email 或傳真至福容大飯之訂房組。
訂房單:第十一屆台灣青少年國際高爾夫公開賽 福容大飯店訂房單
電話 Tel : +886-3-328-5688
傳真 Fax : + 886-3-328-8618
郵件 Email:RSVN_LKA8@fullon-hotels.com.tw
Recommended accommodation for players
“Fullon Hotel Taoyuan Airport MRT A8” is located beside Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Station of the Taoyuan Airport MRT. It is located near Chang Gung Medical Center, Taoyuan International Airport, and Global Mall. Due to its convenient location, it is the best choice for international travelers and business travelers. (14 minutes by MRT to the Taoyuan Internationa Airport)
For international players, our staff will contact you once your entry is confirmed and assist you with the reservation of hotel room by completing the "Reception Form". If you have any enquiry about accommodation please contact us via email hjo@tiga.com.tw or contact the hotel.
*Hotel-Golf Course shuttle is provided during the tournament.
Hotel Information
Telephone:+886-3-328-5688 Fax:+886-3-328-8618
E-mail : lka8@fullon-hotels.com.tw
Location : No. 2, Fuxing 1st Road, Guishan District, Taoyuan City
大會流程 Event Schedule

大會志工 Volunteers
台灣高爾夫推廣發展協會(Golf Promotion Association of Taiwan)將於今年8月舉辦一場國際青少年高爾夫賽事!「2024年台灣青少年公開賽」將於今年8月14日至16日盛大舉行,本賽事創立於2011年,是台灣最大的國際青少年高爾夫球賽,今年已邁入第十屆。每屆吸引約三百位國內外青少年優秀球手參賽,對於對英文有興趣的同學們來說,這將是一個累積國際文化交流實務經驗的好機會。無論您的性別和年齡,如果您願意貢獻自己的力量,成為這個賽事的一員,我們熱忱歡迎您聯繫我們的大會。
活動日期:8月12 - 13日(資格賽和開幕式)
8月14 - 16日(正式賽)
1. 年滿15歲以上,對體育活動具服務熱忱者
2. 能遵守服務守則及任務分派者。
3. 加分條件:具備流利外語者優先分派至國際接待團隊
- 服務證明書
- 紀念衫、紀念帽、禮品
- 視服務期間提供早餐或午餐及礦泉水
- 來回交通之接駁車或交通補助
報名方式:email 至 hjo@tiga.com.tw 或 line @442hxeol
🌟 Join our International Welcoming Team! 🌍✨
🏌️♀️ Are you a golf enthusiast or interested in community service? We're seeking volunteers skilled in English for the 10th Taiwan Junior Open at Miramar Country Club in Linkou, from August 11th to 16th.
🎉 We are looking for a candidate who can interpret from Chinese to English during the opening ceremony and award ceremony. If you're a college student or recent graduate, this is a great opportunity to gain experience and make a difference!
🌐 Fluent in English? Fantastic! We want you to welcome and interact with international golfers. Your language skills will truly shine here.
🚗 Do you own a car or can you drive in Taiwan? That's a bonus! We need volunteers who can make their way to the golf course and assist with transportation, if needed.
⏰ Whether you can spare one day or the entire week, your contribution will be highly appreciated. The more days you can join, the better!
📲 If you or anyone you know might be interested, please share this post. To sign up, email: hjo@tiga.com.tw or message us on LINE @442hxeol

請假方式:以報名時填寫之 Email 發出請假通知至 hjo@tiga.com.tw
1) 報名截止日 (2024/7/12) 前請假,全額退費 ( 扣除國內轉帳手續費 )。
2) 2024/7/13 ~ 8/2 期間請假,扣除行政費用 NTD500。
3) 2024/8/3 ~ 8/11 期間請假,扣除行政費用 NTD1500。
4) 2024/8/12 以後請假,不予以退款。
We understand that circumstances may arise where participants need to withdraw from the junior golf tournament.
To ensure a fair and transparent process, we have established the following refund policy:
Withdrawal before July 12, 2024:
Participants who withdraw before July 12, 2024, will be eligible for a refund of their entry fee, with a deduction of USD 30.
Withdrawal before August 2, 2024:
Participants who withdraw between July 13 and August 2, 2024, will be eligible for a refund of their entry fee, with a deduction of USD 50
Withdrawal before August 11, 2024:
Participants who withdraw between August 3 and August 11, 2024, will be eligible for a refund of their entry fee, with a deduction of USD 80.
Please note the following important information regarding refunds:
Refund requests must be made in writing via email or a formal letter to the tournament organizers. The refund amount will be issued to the original payment method used during registration. Refunds will be processed within 10 business days of receiving the withdrawal request.
In case of unforeseen circumstances, such as cancellation of the tournament or force majeure events, a full or partial refund may be provided at the discretion of the tournament organizers. Any bank or processing fees associated with the refund will be deducted from the refunded amount.
We highly recommend that participants carefully consider their availability and commitment before registering for the tournament to avoid any inconveniences or potential financial loss. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the refund policy, please don't hesitate to contact our tournament organizers at hjo@tiga.com.tw.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.